small words BIG thought!!! - Worth a Read!!!!
"The best vitamin for making friends, B-1"
"The best vitamin for making friends, B-1"
1) What is great about this problem?
2) What is not perfect yet?
3) What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
4) What am I willing to no longer do in order to make it the way I want it?
5) How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?
I am Waiting for Friday .......
There's One In Every Solar System
In our system, Venus is the oddball. While Uranus and Pluto have a similar odd rotation, it is less obvious because of the angle of their axis. Venus stands out quite clearly, in its position as the second planet from the sun, and the only one that goes against the flow by rotating east to west.
This pattern of movement, known as retrograde rotation, means that the sun rises in the west, contrary to what would be seen on other planets if they could be inhabited. But how did it come about?.
The atmosphere on Venus is extremely thick, being primarily CO2, or carbon dioxide. This creates a greenhouse type of effect, which magnifies the heat of the sun and raises the surface temperature of the planet to around 930F. That, in combination with friction and tidal forces, is thought to have caused the planet to turn in the opposite direction to most planets in the solar system.
Tidal locking also causes another fluke in the relation of Venus to Earth. Similar in size and rotation, when their orbits align so that the two planets are at their closest, the exact same side of Venus shows every time. The phenomenon is a fine ballet that results from one body rotating on its own axis, at the exact same rate as it orbits the other body.
"Everybody wants to be somebody: Nobody wants to grow."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Select a word you habitually use to describe your negative feelings, and come up with an alternative word that will break your pattern or at least lower your intensity.
"Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow."
-- Swedish Proverb